Cafe System Change – Issue 2
Announcing a lighter companion to our System Change journal. The second issue is now available: [wpfilebase tag=file id=69 /] Please see the first copy : [wpfilebase tag=fileurl…
Our Conference – 9th May
Systems Connections: the Wellbeing Economy and Climate Emergency “Our climate is changing faster than we are. We need to speed up. The Rapid Transition Alliance is a…
New paper on renewable energy
What can be done to increase the share of electricity generated by renewable energy installations? Read this policy briefing from Jonathan Moss: [wpfilebase tag=file id=66 /]
May 24th – Our 10th anniversary conference
From systemic failure to a transition of civilization Thursday, May 24th, 2018, 10.00 – 16.30, Watershed 3, Bristol “Come and celebrate our 10th anniversary with a day…
Scanning Our Future Dialogue Group
An invitation to an afternoon seminar – July 25th pm from 12. 30 to 4.00 pm. where we will explore the driving factors that will affect the…
Training to The Royal Society on Systems Thinking and Decision-Making
The Schumacher Institute’s Martin Sandbrook and Douglas Owen were recently invited by The Royal Society to deliver a training course designed to help policy advisors get a…
Systems Sustainability and Me at the Hub (London)
April 16th – a one day course in this popular series in London, see event details.
Meeting the Challenge of Special Educational Needs
A new one day course in London in early March sponsored by the Education and Training Foundation though their ELMAG fund, see event details.
The Systems Forum
The Systems Forum is an initiative of the UK Systems Society produced by The Schumacher Institute. Since the birth of modern systems thinking and practice (c. 1946)…