We have managed and participated in a number of projects over the last few years. Following E.F. Schumacher’s work we aim to explore diverse elements of sustainability, covering resilience, education and learning, employment and understandings of work and the value of diversity and lived experience.
36 x 36 (2020 – Present): Over a 9-month period, the 36×36 grouping will receive online professional education in “Strategising Transformative Change”, engage in online exchanges around new economic theories and approaches, collaborate on new prototypes to materialise these strategies in practice, create a manifesto which will identify the essential building blocks of new economic architecture and ultimately, become a part of a global femxle transformation network to implement a new economic story.
Prepare for Change (2012 – Present): Prepare for Change (P4C) is a horizon-scanning project that explores the resilience of the Bristol city region to global changes. It collects world-wide opinions, forecasts and predictions about complex global issues and relates them to the ‘here and now’ – what are the threats and what are the opportunities?
Bristol’s Green Roots (2010 – 2011): This year-long project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, documented Bristol’s history of environmental action. The valuable stories, perspectives, lessons learned and documents gathered were shared through a publication, an exhibition and an archive (stored with Bristol Museums and Galleries).
Bristol Resilience Network (previously Resilience Action Group) (2014 – Present): In early 2014, Bristol Green Capital Partnership invited the development of a series of ‘Action Groups’ to deliver sustainable change on a range of themes throughout Bristol’s year as European Green Capital 2015. We co-chair this network with the Environment Agency and host monthly meetings to explore how we can increase understanding and action on resilience in the city.
one day: Day One – Resilience (starting June 1st): Funded by Bristol 2015 Small Grants and supported by the Schumacher Institute, this project will see Sara Zaltash – a local artist – transport a light-footed pop-up geodesic dome to 16 diverse locations across the greater Bristol area throughout the summer of 2015. Members of the public will be invited to enter and collectively imagine a resilient, sustainable and Green Bristol, as if that were today’s Bristol, imagining all of the things that they want for their city one day, as if today were Day One.
(June 2015- August 2015): Led by Change Agents UK, this project engages young people from several European countries in Bristol’s European Green Capital programme during 2015. Participants will spend up to two months in Bristol, volunteering with organisations involved in the Green Capital programme and conducting a shared action inquiry. The Schumacher Institute will contribute to training participants in methods for transdisciplinary action research and translating their practical experiences into a research exercise. The project is funded by a grant from Erasmus+, the European Union’s main central funding programme for Lifelong Learning Activities in Education, Training, Youth and Sport.
(2011 – 2012): Funded by the Co-operative Bank, Social Capitalist provided a platform for young adults who were looking for work. Providing them with a package of coaching, training and mentoring in order to identify and achieve career goals, the project aimed to help them create a project that could provide employment opportunities and make positive social change in the local area.