We are a diverse network of fellows and associates dedicated to delivering innovative systems solutions to the world’s most pressing problems through research, training, events and consultancy. 



Contribute to the transformation of society, so that countries and communities can converge to similar levels of development within the limits of the earth’s resources, and with increasing equity for people today and for future generations.

Help people prepare for a future in which disruptive change will happen with increasing speed, and will demand a high degree of adaptability.

Build on the ideas expressed in the works of E. F. Schumacher, particularly working with nature, appropriate technology at the right scale, meaningful work, people-centred development, local actions, peace and non-violent approaches.



The Schumacher Institute has a small core team but a large network of fellows and associates who help us deliver our wide range of projects, research, learning activities and events.

  • Our core team is in charge of delivering our projects, research, events, learning programmes and consultancy.
  • Our learning team consists of core team members and several visiting ‘fellows’, all of which are experts in the field of learning for sustainability. We draw on this variety of knowledge to deliver dynamic and forward-thinking systems thinking courses.
  • Our consultancy team work with several associate, in order to provide a range of expertise to our clients.
  • Our Research Fellows actively contribute to the research programme and we offer opportunities to undertake challenging research that might not otherwise be possible in large institutions.
  • Our Distinguished Fellows are well-established in their field of work and provide us with specialist advice and support in delivering our aims.

We are always keen to collaborate with others so if you are interested in working with us, please get in contact (info@schumacherinstitute.org.uk).